Benefits of the PMP® Certification
If you are not already familiar with the PMP® certification and its requirements, one of the first things you’d notice upon researching it is that it is expensive!
$405 for members of PMI; $555 for everybody else.
How much is PMI membership? $139.
What you may not easily know from the information online, is that the exam is difficult and it takes a relatively long time to prepare for.
So, why the fuss about the certification?
Well, it is one of the best ways to make your CV stand out and improve your overall skillset. Almost all project management roles require a #projectmanagement certification, and the new PMP® certification is the most versatile of them all.
Even if the role you’re applying for does not expressly state that a PMP® certification is a requirement or an advantage, be rest assured that the PMP® certification is an advantage by default. This is not to say that it guarantees employment. What I am saying is that the PMP® certification will always put you at a higher probability of getting an interview/job than you will be without it.
Why is this so?
There are a few reasons:
- The knowledge you gain on your way to passing the PMP® exam is uniquely broad. Without studying for the PMP® exam, there are certain knowledge areas that you may never formally learn if you are a single-career professional. Such knowledge areas include risk management, procurement management, stakeholder management, quality management, to name a few. These skills are not unique to any particular profession but they are valuable and improve your work all round, regardless of your actual #job description. Recruiters and hiring managers know this. This is one reason why the PMP® certification is a default advantage on your CV.
- The exam, being difficult and expensive, requires a very dedicated person to enrol and see it through. Many professionals have been “planning to train for the exam” for over 5 years but they have not got around to actually doing it for one reason or the other. Raising the money for the training, getting trained, studying for the exam, paying the exam fee, taking the exam, and passing it…. This is a long chain of steps and it takes a special kind of commitment to go from one step to the next all the way to the end. Instead of simply writing on your CV that you are a committed professional, show them your certifications. Action speaks louder than words.
- Project management is essentially a problem-solving discipline which means that having the PMP® certification helps establish that you are familiar with multi-factor reasoning, multi-criteria analytical thinking, and problem-solving. Every job needs such skills. And, as computer programmes and robots take over repetitive tasks that require no human creativity, the most desired professionals will be those who can employ human reasoning, to intelligence to creatively solve problems. This is the main reason why you will always find “project management” as one of the most sought after skills in the world despite that almost all other traditional non-tech/non-ICT skills have been replaced by various tech/ICT skills as the most sought after skills in the world. If you google “top skills for 2022”, apart from the tech skills listed, you’d find “time management”, “problem-solving, “creativity”, “decision making”, “strategic planning”, “effective communication”, etc. All such skills are neatly wrapped up in the PMP curriculum! Very few certifications are so versatile and give you such broad applicability.
As you can see, it is obvious why the PMP® certification is a premium certification and deserves all the fuss that it gets even among professionals who are not directly in the business of project management.
To summarise, it makes you much more marketable than you’d be without it.
The drawbacks are the cost and the study time required. But what do you expect from a certification that would serve you in almost any professional industry you can think of? The benefits far outweigh the costs; you just have to want it badly enough.

If you do…. If you want it badly enough, then I can help with your #training requirements. I have a 4.9/5 rating from my previous candidates. I am in this business to help candidates to pass their exam on their first attempt. Trust me, the most economical way to get the PMP® certification is to train with a consultant who knows what he is doing.
I am always available on WhatsApp at +2348155529605 or on email at [email protected].